Welcome to our page! Please check our listings for price and availability.
Our office at 1264 Pearl St. # 8
For Prospective Tenants:
-If you are calling our office for any reason please leave a message with your name, number, and a brief reason for calling. We generally return calls the same day.
-We are no longer able to rent most units in advance. If you are interested in a particular unit please email me with the address and I can let you know it is a possibility.
-Applications are handed out in person, we do not rent properties site unseen.
-All applicants are subject to background checks, including criminal and rental history, and financial status.
-All applicants must provide a copy of a photo ID.
-Any applicant who does not have at least one year of verifiable rental history must have a co-signer.
-There is no charge to apply for a property.
-If you rent a property in advance, we charge 1 month's rent up front as a reservation for the property. This is applied to the total move-in cost which consists of a first month's rent, a final month's rent, plus deposits.
-We provide complimentary garbage service and yard care to all of our residential tenants.
For Current Tenants:
-Make all checks payable to either: George Baker or Grant Baker
-Rent is due the 1st of each month, and is considered late by the end of the 4th day, subject to a $50 late fee
-Rent can be sent to our office or dropped off in person
-Office hours are 9:00 AM -5:00 PM Mon-Fri (Excluding Major Holidays)
-For Maintenance Requests, and ANY NON-EMERGENCIES please call our Office, Cell phone numbers are to be used in emergency situations only!
About Us

Baker Rental Properties is a private, family owned rental company specializing in Student Housing. Most of our properties are on are near the University of Oregon campus. We offer friendly, reliable service, and most importantly, a clean and quality place to call home.
Contact information
Reach us by mail:
George Baker
1264 Pearl St. #8
Eugene, OR 97401
By phone or fax:
(541) 687 0686
By email:
Note: If you are interested in a property, please call our office! Email is to be used only if previous arrangements have been made.
George Baker
1264 Pearl St. #8
Eugene, OR 97401
By phone or fax:
(541) 687 0686
By email:
Note: If you are interested in a property, please call our office! Email is to be used only if previous arrangements have been made.